Phytofy: My Secret Strategy for Vibrant Health and Speedy Healing


Phytofy [fīdō-fī]: The act of adding phytonutrients to your meals, thereby making it even more healthy.

I coined the term “phytofy” to encourage people to think beyond vitamins and minerals, beyond fruits and vegetables, when they put their meals and snacks together. Not because these things aren’t tremendously important – they are! – but because there’s so many other delicious ways of kicking up the amount of important antioxidants to your diet. 

My favorite way? Kicking up the flavor and antioxidants with herbs!

Antioxidants are compounds in food that help put out and balance inflammation. If you want your diet to be anti-inflammatory, then you want it to be high in antioxidants. Antioxidants come mostly from “phytonutrients,” or nutrients that come from plant and have specific health benefits and antioxidant vitamins like vitamins C, E, and A and minerals like selenium. While fruits, vegetables and other plant foods may be really high in antioxidants, herbs and spices are even more concentrated. 

Name an herb, any herb, and I’ll confirm for you that the herb is high in phytonutrients and antioxidants. 

Here are some of my top culinary herbs so you can “phytofy your food” and kick the antioxidants (and flavor!) up a few notches: 

  • Oregano

  • Garlic

  • Cilantro 

  • Basil

  • Mint

  • Tarragon 

  • Dill

So if you’re looking for a way to supercharge the healthy foods you’re already eating (or balance out some of the less healthy food you’re eating), look to herbs – both fresh and dried – to kick up the flavor and phytofy your food! Want some personalized advice for your specific life? Find out more about what I offer here!


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