The Importance of Pooping Everyday


Are you regular? What does that even mean? 

For some people, their “regular” is going to the bathroom twice a week! Is that normal? For them, maybe it is. But is it optimal?? That’s a big NO.

Pooping every day is so much more important than most people realize. It is the way we get rid of our body’s waste – that much is obvious. But it’s also the way we get rid of chemicals, heavy metals, hormone metabolites, and the junk that causes us to feel like…well, like sh*t. 

You eat everyday, right? So, you have to poop everyday too. But even people who poop every day can be constipated. You know that feeling of going but wanting to go more? We call that “incomplete bowel emptying,” and if you feel that way regularly, you too are constipated. Why should that matter?

Constipation can result in:

  • Acne

  • Dark under eye circles

  • Higher cholesterol levels (yup, if cholesterol doesn’t exit through your poop shoot, it gets reabsorbed)

  • Greater absorption of heavy metals from food like mercury, aluminum, and arsenic

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Ineffective lympatic drainage

  • Poor detoxification

  • Increase in circulating toxins, including the ones made by your gut microbes

  • Disrupted microbiome

  • Feeling of heaviness, bloating and all-around feeling poofy and yucky (those are technical terms, of course)

  • Increased systemic inflammation, as a result of all these other things

Drinking enough water is the first place to start if you’re at all constipated. Eating plenty of vegetables and high fiber fruit can help most people get and stay regular – and by regular, I mean at least one really good bowel movement per day. Fiber from whole grains, legumes and pulses, and seeds (like chia and flax) also help if your digestion is strong. But if that’s not doing it, getting personalized advice is key. 

Constipation could be due to a low-key magnesium deficiency, or taking too many antibiotics in your life, or a thyroid imbalance, or even having a disordered eating past and slow “peristalsis” or gut motility. Your constipation (or even your too frequent poops) likely has a cause that’s specific to you, and so the best strategies would be unique to you too.

Want to find out more? Schedule your 30-minute discovery call today.


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